Joined: 14 Sep 2004 Posts: 1034 Location: 01
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:38 pm Post subject: Underground Club |
1. Name: Underground Club
2. Date/Time: Nov 18th, 8:30 EST (Nov 19th, 01:30 GMT)
3. Location: Secret (Private Invitations)
4. Contact e-mail address: N/A
5. Original post message:
For all the Roleplayers and anyone interested in becomming a Roleplayer, pay attention!
The Underground Club is essentially a meeting for anyone who is involved in roleplaying. Any bad guys, any good guys...anyone who isn't anyone yet...I'm carrying it over from City of Heroes, where we had great success.
The catch is, that it is totally OOC. Now you're saying, "Uh..for roleplayers...but OOC?"
Well the idea is for us RPers to come and meet, once a week, once a month, once a year...when ever, based on interest...and discuss story plots, events, potential plot twists. Its also a time for people to clear up any OOC or IC issues that maybe be occuring (I know we had some of these in the past, this works as a way to clear them up right away!).
Alternatively, if you are new to the RP scene, this is your chance to come and meet characters, and ask questions about plots and history that might otherwise not be appropriate during a heated IC event.
SO...if you are still reading, here's the Intel:
Date: Friday the 18th
Time: 8:30 EST (this is subject to change)
Location: Here's the last catch...
Because we don't want anyone other than RPers there, leave your name if interested..thats it. And I will contact you at the time, and date, with the location.
DJ Aiyalla has agreed to work the turntables for us, and it should make for a great evening!
(There will be punch and pie...)
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