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FrayJack Lost soul

Joined: 17 Dec 2005 Posts: 985 Location: cravf be int
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:24 pm Post subject: |
Indeed major :O _________________ My website |
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Devaude Antares First Mate

Joined: 30 Aug 2005 Posts: 1349
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:33 am Post subject: |
Bravo! Outstanding work, draggy  _________________
'Like... Dude... What the hell...' - d4sh |
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d4sh Faction Leader, Antares Captain

Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 3882 Location: The Antares
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 2:46 pm Post subject: |
(I've of course seen your stuff in your threadofdoom but you should post it here toooooo ) _________________
"d4sh is half robot, half Dutch and half ninja." - M0RGAN | "Dashy is hardcore, he danced in the flames." - Gookin |
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Dragonram Antares Crewmember

Joined: 04 Jan 2006 Posts: 1019 Location: Leicester, England UK
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:05 pm Post subject: |
And there's me thinking I've got away with it I'll post 'em when I have access to the better compeesee.
- D _________________
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Dragonram Antares Crewmember

Joined: 04 Jan 2006 Posts: 1019 Location: Leicester, England UK
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:50 pm Post subject: |
"I'm sorry. Just...Sometimes you have to let go."
*Dragonram signals to the young man to calm down and hush*
"Look, see that tree over there? Every year it sheds it's leaves and begins a new cycle. We all need to start again at some point."
"But why now?! I just don't understand!!!"
"I know, Gookin, but I have to do what feels right."
*Gookin huffs*
*Dragonram chuckles*
"You'll understand soon 'Gooky' don't you worry."
*with that, Dragonram leaves down the long street*
"Shedding leaves eh?"
*Gookin stares up at the tree Dragonram pointed to*
"You look...oddly familiar"
*Dragonram waves his hand in front of the mans face*
"Are you blind? Deaf?"
*still nothing*
"Okay maybe the deaf question was a little stupid but c'mon"
*Dragonram frowns*
"How very odd..."
*the man stays perfectly still and silent as Dragonram is seen hyper-jumping away*
"Everything is made up of Something."
"But how far does the chain go?"
"Really...Ask yourself, how far could it go?"
"Each piece is like a puzzle, that fits together to form a masterpiece."
"If one piece does not fit...It must fit elsewhere."
"But then the puzzle is not complete."
"Sometimes, it is more beautiful to view and let our imagination or memories fit it to completion..."
"I can see it all laid out in front of me
But there's so many different routes..."
*a whisper*
"I know...Everyone has their own destiny
But not everyone knows."
*a breeze*
"I know...It is right. It is right for me."
Everyone had noticed...The Discolouration.
"It's just my old age hehe..."
*an unbelieving silence*
"It is! Now will you just drop it?! I'm going out for a bit...I'll be back later."
"Where 're you going?"
"None of your business."
"Wrong. Answer me now ... Captain."
"A meeting."
*a bright glow as Dragonram becomes less and less visible*
*Dash sighs*
"Goddamnit Drag, you have no idea what you put me through..."
*a gust of wind blows the bluepill's skirt up*
"Oooh dear me!"
*Dragonram chuckles walking down the steps*
"Don't worry...No one saw."
"But you didn--even--How di--?"
"Better the devil you don't."
"Whatever buddy...Say, what's with the grey outfit?"
"Having an off day, decided to do everything grey. I'm going to a meeting to fix it."
"A meeting? What, some magicial pill? Haha!"
"...Actua--Haha...If only."
*Dragonram glances down the tracks*
"It's late, why is he late?...I need this code."
"Pardon me?"
*the bluepill looks quizzical*
"Oh I just wish the trainma--I wish the train would hurry up."
"Well it is a little late I suppose..."
*the screeching of brakes on a subway train can be heard*
"Nice meeting you...Grey-Dude?"
*Dragonram gets on the train and throws a rare small smile toward the bluepill*
"The Merv has his guy waiting for you..."
"Waiting for me?! You're the one that was late Trainman."
"You keep your mouth shut, you're in no state to do anything!"
*Dragonram restrains himself*
"That's what I thought...Next stop, Regen-Lab."
Dragonram knew that the Regen-Lab was one place he had hoped he would never have to transverse to. He also knew that it was the only place to save himself. When a program is at its last ends, it deteriorates, much like humans; only worse in Dragonram's case. As a result of so much human interaction, the effects of program-deterioration were doubled. Dragonram had become an exile...And the only way to fix it, was to see The Doctor. Sacrifices had to be made to be 're-made' and it was only, Dragonram didn't know how drastic they were...
The trip to The Doctor had shaken Dragonram up. He hadn't seen himself yet
but he knew things didn't go straight...Story of his life.
"Let us see then you imbecile...How did it go?"
*Dragonram stirred a little, his eyes burning with fiery pain*
"Vell...He is operating very vell. But zere have been some drastic side effects."
*Dragonram fought through the pain to shout*
*Dragonram lay on his back again*
"What went wrong?"
"Vell let us see. His double exilation as it vere caused over-corruption. Too much for even me to handle! You can see for yourself vhat has had to be sacrificed in order for zis program to survive!"
*Flood observed the helpless program*
"Yes...I can."
Dragonram had left the Regen-Lab in a hurry. He went to a place he often enjoyed visiting,
but he didn't tell anyone he enjoyed it.
*Dragonram stares out over the vast volume of water*
"Goddamn...Let's have a look at the damage I suppose."
*the gushing water below distorts the reflection*
"I'm still grey!?!?!?!??"
*a bluepill cooking a meal jumps as she hears the scream of anguish*
".....At least the hair's not too bad..."
- Ð _________________
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jediken21 Lost soul
Joined: 21 Oct 2005 Posts: 565 Location: Bowtie
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:00 pm Post subject: |
i so want your uber skillz |
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lorellei Ananova Captain

Joined: 28 Dec 2005 Posts: 651 Location: Creston Heights ((Preston... or Chester))
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:39 pm Post subject: |
love the pics and the new look and interesting story _________________
"To live is to dream and to die is to awaken"
(> <)o |
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