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Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 23
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:44 am Post subject: Triumvirate Meeting Tonight |
Sorry folks for the last min reminder, took longer than expected to get some things sorted, but this is tonight if you don't already know...
We'll be calling a meeting of the Triumvirate members today, basically as a meet-and-greet and to discuss matters of how we can work together on various matters in and out of character. ALL members of The Omega Syndicate, The Codemasons, and The Glitch Society are invited to attend. Thanks for your attention folks! Hope to see you there.
When: Saturday, August 12th - 4pm PST, 5pm MST, 6pm CST, 7pm EST, 11pm GMT, Midnight BST
Where: The Lucero Caves (i.e. - The Lucero Point hideout). Entrance is located at coodinates X:-600 Y:1 Z:310. Proceed down the elevator and into the hideout. We will be in the first large cavern after proceeding down the cave tunnel. (final coords X:-645, Y:-22, Z:-300) |
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Procurator Chief Archivist, Aggregator Captain

Joined: 21 May 2005 Posts: 3815 Location: HvCFT Aggregator, Syntax
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:20 am Post subject: |
I'll be there!
Oh, by the way, got a new Glitch Society symbol you can use on your posters. I'll send it to you shortly. _________________
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Dragonram Antares Crewmember

Joined: 04 Jan 2006 Posts: 1019 Location: Leicester, England UK
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:17 pm Post subject: |
Damnit, my graphics card hates hideouts. I'll just listen from outside or something. xD
- Ð _________________
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Joined: 18 Oct 2005 Posts: 265 Location: Naples, FL
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:34 pm Post subject: |
I might be a little late - and I'm sure I'll need someone to remind me once I'm in-game - but I think I'll be there. _________________
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d4sh Faction Leader, Antares Captain

Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 3882 Location: The Antares
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:34 pm Post subject: |
I'll be running late myself as well, since I'll be... well... drinking.
Thought is I'll be home at about 2am my time, so that's 1hr late.
You guys'll just have to stick around and wait for me!  _________________
"d4sh is half robot, half Dutch and half ninja." - M0RGAN | "Dashy is hardcore, he danced in the flames." - Gookin |
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PoloSleor Singularity First Mate
Joined: 08 Aug 2005 Posts: 362 Location: Brussels, Belgium
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:45 pm Post subject: |
I might catch you guys online.. Got a little party, but I'll do my best to make it. _________________
What is Singularity?
Positronic Operational Lifeform Optimized for Sabotage, Logical Exploration and Online Repair
"Dragonram: TO LEMONE!" |
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M4rb Singularity Captain

Joined: 08 Aug 2005 Posts: 468 Location: Brussels, Belgium
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Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 23
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:23 pm Post subject: |
Hehe, no worries folks, I'll log it  |
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PoloSleor Singularity First Mate
Joined: 08 Aug 2005 Posts: 362 Location: Brussels, Belgium
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:36 am Post subject: |
Damn.. I just arrived, and well, i'm sleeping at a friend's ^^
So no MxO for me today..
Looking forward to the log, though! _________________
What is Singularity?
Positronic Operational Lifeform Optimized for Sabotage, Logical Exploration and Online Repair
"Dragonram: TO LEMONE!" |
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d4sh Faction Leader, Antares Captain

Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 3882 Location: The Antares
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:38 am Post subject: |
Bloody brilliant!
Just as I hop in-game I get people telling me they just stepped out and it's over. _________________
"d4sh is half robot, half Dutch and half ninja." - M0RGAN | "Dashy is hardcore, he danced in the flames." - Gookin |
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Procurator Chief Archivist, Aggregator Captain

Joined: 21 May 2005 Posts: 3815 Location: HvCFT Aggregator, Syntax
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:39 am Post subject: |
Yeah, I jacked out about two minutes ago.  _________________
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Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 23
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:51 am Post subject: |
Here's the log folks, all neat and tidy courtesy of your very own chat log formatter.
Nelks: Alright, first I'd like to thank everyone for coming, interested to see what we're capable of in the future...
Nelks: Also, I believe there might be a few people arriving who said they'd be late, so don't be surprised it we have to recall more in a bit...
Nelks: I think the first thing I'd advise is for everyone here too add the names around you to your buddy list... can't work together if we don't know who everyone is =)
AvatRAMa: way ahead of ya
AvatRAMa: most i had, but getting the rest now
Nelks: Well lets cover the biggest thing first, IC vs. OOC relations, everyone seems to be totally for an OOC alliance, but one IC has met some hesitation. any thoughts?
Elroh: Ic would be highly intresting
Anubias: We all stand for different things?...how can there be a IC one?
Procurator: As far as I'm concerned, this whole thing is OOC.
Dragonram: First off, I'd like to blame Keith and I think OOC is probably best for the moment.
Dragonram: Personally at least.
Anubias: This is all OOC in my opinion
P0ET: yes OOC is most probably best for now
Darkspacer: Difficult to say the least. Any overt co-operation would be hard to justify
Procurator: Parties and the like are all OOC anyway.
AvatRAMa: We see it as an opportunity to lead by example for the community
AvatRAMa: Seperatly we all do that IC on our own, even with IC tensions, but OOC the problems seems to stem from these "PvP Alliances" and multiple events or parties at the same time but different place
Anubias: So this mean we are taking out the Authority? ::chuckles::
Nelks: The only way I see an IC alliance working, would be a secretive one. In other words, behind closed doors meetings, no PvP truces, etc, but perhaps OOC only would be best for now until all the faction leadership and majority of the members are for it...
AvatRAMa: There's quite a few who aren't sure of where OS stands IC, kinda like it like that
Procurator: Well, we are the top factions in our respective orgs, let's face it!
Darkspacer: I can certainly support a discrete sharing on non-classified intel
Dragonram: I concur with Nelks.
AvatRAMa: Here Here!
PlagueOnWheels: I can see an argument for an active IC alliance, in that it would be a compelling argument for the Truce's hopes of success
Dragonram: Indeed Proc.
Dragonram: We are the "it" factions.
AvatRAMa: I can see an IC co-op working but I think it would be beneficial to start small and work towards bigger "fish"
PlagueOnWheels: No argument from me
P0ET: yeah I agree with that
Namroc: Sounds good
Nelks: Right, not saying by any means it won't happen, but we'd want to work up to that over time
Procurator: Sure.
Nelks: Something else, we should probably do this in a reqular basis, once a month or so sound reasonable? Plus faction leaders and senior members can always touch base in the interm
AvatRAMa: Routines always make progression work best
AvatRAMa: agreed Nelks
Nelks: That said, events... for one we're looking at the 26th for another 9 hour party, a huge one, does this sound like something we'd be interested in sponsoring?
P0ET: yes nelks
Dragonram: Yeah of course!
Elroh: assuredly
Dragonram: TGS is rolling in the dough.
AvatRAMa: We're in for all parties this synergy wants to put together and we'll try formulating our own as well
Nelks: It would seem the consensous has been for something old school. Like SI was known for back in the MxO only days. Might galvanize a lot of veteran support for the triumvitate...
Procurator: Ah, the old days.
PlagueOnWheels: Ah, the o... oh right, I wasn't here then.
AvatRAMa: Sounds good. Only thing I can suggest is for all of us to make for almost certain that any event we host is organised as best as could be
Nelks: More than a few have suggested to us the idea of a "Cave Rave"
AvatRAMa: One thing that looses support and interest is any kind of even that begins to chip away
Elroh: oooo.....
AvatRAMa: Works
Dragonram: Haha cave rave sounds awesome!
Darkspacer: *sigh* Bouncing around in caves was one of the reasons I didn't stick around Zion
AvatRAMa: If I may suggest something along these lines Nelks
Nelks: Sure...
AvatRAMa: Torunaments
Dragonram: Ooh.
AvatRAMa: there are no good torunamnets anymore
P0ET: true
Elroh: yeah those went over fantastic for ASA
Dragonram: Tribal drums ftw!!!
AvatRAMa: and the ones there are are undoubtly hosted and rigged by a few who won't be named
Dragonram: *plays conga Fury*
AvatRAMa: but moreover, they are completely disorganised from the get go
Nelks: Ah yes, someone brought up the idea of an olympics-style event in our faction beofre... hmm...
AvatRAMa: there needs to be more, and moe variety of tournaments, after all most of us are still here not becuase of live events or the story but because combat here kicks ass compared to any other MMO
TheTaxidermist: parties, and tournaments are exciting. However. I think we could be more ambitious than even that
AvatRAMa: How so Tax?
P0ET: player run event?
Dragonram: Party Tournaments?!
Dragonram: :O orgasm!
AvatRAMa: That would be quite fun, it's easy to say that there are geniuses within all three faction for PE's, Videos', Toruny's, parties, and cake
Nelks: Well, there's always individual factions organizing small tourneys during a party, but I think what Avat's talking about it more a freestanding event
AvatRAMa: We have some who shoulda been here
TheTaxidermist: We have an oppurtunity, as a group of varying factional allegiance, to run player events that can offer something to everyone, while remaining in a partisan, competitive themes
AvatRAMa: yeah, it would be a rountine event, we could do a "black market" thening and each of us sell gear at the door, swag giveways , etc.
Nelks: Heh, I love the sound of that
AvatRAMa: Yes, I agree Tax.Each faction has specialist in every area we're discussing that it could be more then mutally benefical, it would be benefical for the community which i thiunk it the goal
Darkspacer: I haven't got anything ready for "prime time" but while I've got Merovingians and Zionites here. I have something I'd like to suggest.
AvatRAMa: Should we look into a "sign-ups" for the folks of each faction who'd like to work on each area and possibly make it possible for us to do all these great things almsot simultaneously?
Darkspacer: I've been toying with the idea of establishing a player elected democracy in Megacity
Tzahrkiya: why dont I set up a small free forum from proboards, where all factions can communicate and add to ideas there?
Procurator: Proboards?
Nelks: Tzah I really like that idea... perfect for syncing up ideas
Tzahrkiya: yeah lol,, they do free forums,, used em in the past
Arkiya: Ooh, I like that idea. I'd really help on coordinating things.
AvatRAMa: We can offer the same but as long as we all agree on a speecifc place (and try not to let it die) then we would be more then happy to add it to our bookmarks
Tzahrkiya: just somehwere so we can put up ideas rather than call meetings all the time to discuss
AvatRAMa: Anywhere we all agree on works
Tzahrkiya: ok,, well i suggest proboards as i said,, if there are others speak up :p
AvatRAMa: I take it proboards it is then
AvatRAMa: I'm game Tzar
AvatRAMa: better
AvatRAMa: We're game
Nelks: Yeah I think it's exactly what we need
AvatRAMa: Sykin just made a good point
AvatRAMa: Pipe dreams are all well an good
AvatRAMa: it's a goal for all of us
AvatRAMa: But how about the many varying projects are currently taking place within each factiona and for each individual
Sykin: Yes... However, Time is always against us.
AvatRAMa: Would it be possible to begin this as such a collaberative effort that we could begin helping one another from the get go?
AvatRAMa: Say, if anyone had a project that needed more hands on deck, etc.
TheTaxidermist: youre talking about a labour pool we can dip into for our own pet projects when needed?
AvatRAMa: Sure
Skunkgirl: Well, I'm available 7 days a week before 8 or 9 pm
Nelks: Actually that's totally understandable. And if we had a certralized forum, we could call on each other... almost like an HR dept. XD
TheTaxidermist: so long as it doesnt detract from the progress of an group prohects, I dont see why not
Darkspacer: I'm down for any RP that's going on, only I don't (or at least prefer not to) do PvP
AvatRAMa: Just a thought and possibly a good way to build more trust between us all
Nelks: Agreed, lines of communication are essential.
AvatRAMa: So, Tzahr the proboards gig is yours and we'll get it populated
Anubias: I want to know what this means for PvP....if anything?
Skunkgirl: Hmm, now are we allies, friends or.. other at this point?
AvatRAMa: Nothing atm
Procurator: We're nothing IC.
AvatRAMa: i mean a mutual respect not to uber gank and what have you but no "PvP alliances" that seems to be bitter in all our mouths
Procurator: I see this as an OOC alliance that lets us easily organise events and parties.
P0ET: yes same here Proc
Nelks: This I want to saw as well, for SI Radio purposes, we're treating The Triumvirate as our favored ingame sponsors, our eyes and ears so to speak... which reminds me...
AvatRAMa: if anythig we can "schedule" even more massive and entertaining PVP between the three
Skunkgirl: Well, I am available to help, you all have known this since I've been with SI
Procurator: Exactly. Triumvirite stuff is pretty much guaranteed coverage by SI.
Dragonram: Awesome.
AvatRAMa: good deal.
AvatRAMa: Having a few Dj's in the faction doesn't hurt either
Nelks: We -do- have clearance from SI management to use faction promos for all 3 groups. So we encourage folks to produce things like this if they'd like them aired =)
Skunkgirl: Well ya'll have euphy
Procurator: TGS has benifited from this relationship since SI started on Output.
Dragonram: And Proc.
AvatRAMa: and DjMcbain
Dragonram: And Nelks.
Euphraxia: Yeah yeah DJing now
AvatRAMa: and Pyro
Dragonram: And who else
Dragonram: Spellfire.
Nelks: Rocker also
Dragonram: Rocker.
Dragonram: The list goes on.
AvatRAMa: so yeah, us three are pretty much SI
Dragonram: And then stops abruptly.
AvatRAMa: haha
Nelks: *chuckles*
AvatRAMa: Well, if it works then no need to fix it
Euphraxia: I think Reaver and Abramo are the only DJs not factioned
DABOMBZ: abramo is anges
AvatRAMa: So, bullets Nelks?
Anubias: We need to recruit them then ::grins::
Euphraxia: Then it's Reaver
Sykin: I've always favored inches and feet instead of SI.
Procurator: The Triumvirate idea came about because the SI MxO community team consists of Pyro, Nelks and myself: one from each of these three factions.
Sykin: (Sorry, heh, very long day at work)
AvatRAMa: Well you grandaddy's of the Trium are more then celebrated for a brilliant idea!
Procurator: (Sykin, SI roxors your boxorz ever so slightly.)
Sykin: (But I like yards instead of meters, damn you!)
Procurator: Oh, and Aiyalla and Strict9 are returning to active SI duty.
Nelks: Ah, basically this, agreed to maintain this as a strictly OOC alliance, but with the possibility of an IC one in the future if we can get the details worked out. Also, looking into common Triumvirate forums for planning and organizing future events...
DABOMBZ: sounds good Nelks
Anubias: I can work out an IC relationship right now if we want
Nelks: ... also SI sponsorship and usage of faction ads and other promotions...
Skunkgirl: I've always been neutral on the wars thingy
Sykin: All of these promotional things to be hosted where?
DABOMBZ: .......
Sykin: Not just a Proboards site or whatever you called it, I'm wondering?
P0ET: I;d rather keep things OOC for now
AvatRAMa: I agree
Skunkgirl: Whereever we are going to have them hon, we'll pick random places
Procurator: Promotional stuff for radio-covered events will be hosted on the SI site.
Tzahrkiya: the proboards forums is purely for discussion between the 3 factions,, it wont be used in any other sense
DABOMBZ: *tips hat*
Sykin: I wish I could keep up with all of these projects, heh.
Skunkgirl: Ahh, well Nelks and Proc, you have my help if needed
Sykin: But if any of you need help and I appear to be sitting on my ass don't hesitate to ask me.
Nelks: Thank you
AvatRAMa: We won't need 100% involvment from every memebr of every faction, but we will need 100% support
P0ET: Agreed Avat
Darkspacer: I'm pretty useless at parties, but I'll always show up wherever I can to represent for TGS
AvatRAMa: That's enough for most of this, Darkspace
Nelks: Right, looks like we essentially have that... that said.... I'd save the date for the 26th *winks*
Dragonram: I'm always here for anything.
Sykin: This is also about other events besides parties, correct?
Skunkgirl: I'm good at parties, I will need to have the node for big parties like club hel and all though
Dragonram: And if I'm not here, I'm somewhere else.
Darkspacer: I hope so Sykin
Dragonram: Sykin and Darkspacer are teh RP junkies
Nelks: Absolutely Sykin, a few were proposed today
Anubias: Havent we been working together in the past for parties and such anyway?
AvatRAMa: As I said and I think most agree, each of us have the budding minds to work on seperate projects together, so from there it'll all be support
AvatRAMa: Not really anu
Anubias: When is the next one? ::smiles::
AvatRAMa: the Hel party was the first
Sykin: Very good. I have many projects planned for the future... You all will no doubt share information amongst each other so not only our roleplay events or parties are publicized, right?
Skunkgirl: Okay, if you need me in a restricted area hun, I would like to get the node for that area first. I don't feel like dying to agents like i have been all night tonight
Sykin: I mean... So we don't become a monopoly.
AvatRAMa: and the reason most parties don't get enough exposure is because we each have our own groups, so if parties are scheduled the same day people are split three or more possible ways, this was we will cnetralize
Anubias: I think we should have a Club Paradise Lost party
AvatRAMa: I can just see him geetting a kick outta that
Nelks: Right now we're looking at a Cave Rave on the 26th for the next big one, but that's absolutely possible as well =)
Euphraxia: The club hel party was alright, but I still think we need parties at places that are not so mission proned
Anubias: Oh yes....The Cave Rave
AvatRAMa: So, we need to figure out who wants to "specialize" on specific projects
Procurator: There is another big one planned, Nelks, but that's essentially an SI thing.
AvatRAMa: Like parties, PE's , tourny's
Sykin: For such events like a Cave Rave...
Sykin: I implore you to spam Rarebit about it.
Darkspacer: If we're going to have a party everyone is invited too, it really ought to be in a place everyone can get to, and enter.
Anubias: Use the SI approach
AvatRAMa: I'm sure the more organised and exposed we become the more interesteing it looks for rarebit to get involved
Dragonram: I think we should have parties every weekend at a different club each time. Maybe not every weekend but yeah you get me.
Dragonram: Get this megacity explored.
Procurator: DN1 pwnage is called for. Well, as much that is possible since they screwed the site.
Sykin: Rarebit is interested in things in moments at a time so you must draw his attention and keep his interest, heh.
AvatRAMa: I'd much rather deal with Rumbaar's current spam bot problme the DN1 , hate to say it
SnowRobin: Is there a policy on dealing with those who try to interrrupt the party(/ies) through pvp? Or has that been much of a problem in the past?
Sykin: The only way to do this sometimes is to ask him to check his PM's on his thread or make PM's with crazy titles about the subject matter.
Nelks: Well something else too, is that even for events that aren't Triumvirate-hosted, I'll do my best to make sure Tri members are invited, just to have a chance to have fun once in a while without having to plan all of them, plus it's nice to be thought of =P
AvatRAMa: With the three of us it is less and less a problem, Snow
AvatRAMa: For the Welt thing I tried to do the exact same thing, letting all orgs know what was taking place
Nelks: Hehe, alright folks, shall we call it a wrap?
Procurator: Cheers Nelks, and everyone for coming!
AvatRAMa: We just need to get info on the proboards when ready
AvatRAMa: Yes, Yes, I'm glad to have meet those i didn't already know and furthering my friendship with those I do!
Nelks: Seconded, many thanks to everyone who came |
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FrayJack Lost soul

Joined: 17 Dec 2005 Posts: 985 Location: cravf be int
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:22 am Post subject: |
Gah...I miss everything  _________________ My website |
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M0RGAN Antares Pilot
Joined: 04 May 2006 Posts: 222 Location: Texas
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:31 am Post subject: |
One, no, two suggestions.
First, EMAIL TREE! Like a phone tree, only with in-game emails. I know it's a simple-sounding idea that some people might not think is necessary, but without actually making one, nobody will do it. Use Proc, Nelks, and... (OS DJ here)? They can email, say, their faction's captains, then those people email crewmates, then perhaps council members or faction leaders email non-Triumverate faction leaders of the same affiliate org, etc. This way, Triumverate info spreads to those who need to know like wildfire, and can then be passed on to non-Triumverates at the discretion of our leaders.
Second, on that OOC forum that is going to be created, make sure we have a roster, preferably with a small bio for the player (OOC sort of info, like are they a DJ, RP'er, PvP'er, first started playing when, etc.). That sort of stuff could be used when someone "dips into the labor pool" to try to round up some like-minded folk for a particular project. _________________ Aloha means goodbye! |
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Procurator Chief Archivist, Aggregator Captain

Joined: 21 May 2005 Posts: 3815 Location: HvCFT Aggregator, Syntax
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:12 pm Post subject: |
Ooh, now that's an interesting idea. _________________
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